Roscoe Reid Press

Roscoe Reid secures important win for Morrisons equal pay claimants

Employment Judge Davies, sitting in the Leeds Employment Tribunal, had cleared the way for Morrisons retail staff to argue for the same wages as distribution centre workers in a combined claim valued at up to £100 million, adding to the growing body of case law against the unequal pay policies of major retailers. Specialist law[…]

CJEU strengthens case for UK equal pay claims

The Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled that the supermarket should apply employment conditions uniformly across its UK business Tesco workers won a landmark decision on 3 June in an equal pay case heard by the Court of Justice of the European Union, further strengthening the case against other retailers accused of[…]

Post Office scandal is another victory for group litigation

The success of civil compensation claims brought by 550 sub-post masters unlocked access to justice in the high-profile case and proved that there is strength in numbers. The Court of Appeal’s decision last week to quash the criminal convictions of 39 sub-postmasters was the culmination of years of legal wrangling and decades of injustice. The[…]

Asda loses first stage of equal pay claim: What this means for wage fairness in the workplace

The Supreme Court ruling in favour of store workers will be closely watched by other UK retailers. On 26 March 2021, British supermarket giant Asda lost a Supreme Court case brought by around 44,000 of its female workers in the first stage of a long-running claim for equal pay. The court ruled that the female[…]

Boots potentially on the line for £180 million in back pay

Approximately 56,000 Boots in-store employees across England, Wales and Scotland could be eligible to join an Equal Pay Claim against the cosmetics giant. If the case is successful, Boots could owe their in-store employees a total of around £180 million in back pay. The claim is being brought on the basis that in-store staff, who[…]

Equal pay claims lodged against Morrisons

Thousands of employees are now in the process of bringing legal proceedings against Morrisons supermarket in an equal pay claim that could eventually cost the company up to £100m. Morrisons is the latest of the ‘Big Four’ supermarket retailers to face an equal pay claim, the most of recent of which was Asda which made[…]

Morrisons Facing £100m Equal Pay Claim From Shop Floor Workers

Supermarket chain Morrisons is facing a potential £100 million compensation claim from a growing number of current and former store workers who say that they have been under-paid compared to colleagues doing comparable jobs.